
Showing posts from May, 2023
Last week our Prayer Shawl ladies (and 3 surprise guests) went on a little shopping excursion and out to lunch in Paris... (? France... not quite... Ontario).  We did a lot of shopping and a lot of browsing.  We enjoyed a wonderful lunch at Stillwaters Restaurant, which was too much for some of us to finish so of course we packaged up the extra and said we couldn't eat another bite.  However, soon after, if you looked down the street to the store that made awesome  chocolates and served delicious Kawartha ice cream, you would find many of those ladies sitting on the benches outside enjoying ice cream cones. Unfortunately, we are not able to supply any discriminating photographs to substantiate this. YUM!  The talking, the laughing, the eating, the shopping, and the weather, was great. A perfect outing!  😃🌞 🍦